Monday, September 13, 2010

10-Day Vacation the Instant School Starts...

So, most of us have returned, though regretfully, from that 10-day vacation feeling some nostalgia for the dwindling summery sunshine and cool breeze, and I am no exception. :D I have been missing in action on this blog all summer and these initial weeks; quite frankly, shame on me. Nonetheless, its time to get back on the blog roll.

Shout out to the new freshman bloggers! It is a bit exciting to have fresh minds and more contributors on board. Welcome to you all.

Now, unto a look into the new year and my prospective goals - maybe my stars will cross with someone else out there... hmm, so Fridays and Tuesdays off each week have proved to make an amazing schedule, but what ruins the perfect chi balance is when Hunter makes Tuesdays run on a Friday schedule. :O Why?! What I would not give for having a Monday switch to a Friday schedule. :( I have four of my five classes on those dreaded Mondays - I enter Hunter at 1pm and remain locked in the three-building conglomerate of classrooms with extreme temperatures (it is always freezing or burning up in Hunter's classrooms, as many of you can probably attest to). Long story short, Mondays are a hump in my weekly grind, however, having tomorrow off easily smooths that sucker over. Professors, teacher, instructors, the people I am learning from they aren't too terrible this semester around. Albeit, my Comp Sci professors sure have their unique ways of thinking, and you will pretty much be lost in the class if you can't think like them. :-/

To leave off, I will add a perhaps interesting tidbit of my current activities for any fellow Comp Sci or techie readers. And it is that I am nearing completion of a joint development of a Windows Phone 7 application. Be sure to keep your eyes for more about that. But even better is if you purchase a phone that runs the Windows Phone 7 OS this coming holiday, you can download and enjoy the app, while supporting a fellow Macaulay student. :)

I plan on developing more. If anyone is interested or want to learn, shoot me a message, comment, etc.


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