Sunday, September 26, 2010

what a weekend

so, sitting on my bed friday afternoon post class/trader joe's with the girls/nap and my boyfriend goes, "can you be online at like 6:30, 7ish? I want to vidchat but I'm at band practice now." naturally I said of course. so I'm napping at like 6:30ish and he calls me and goes "you aren't online" and I (being my incoherent-when-just-woken-up self) grumble "okay okay gimme a second." so, I pull myself out from under the blanket, flip on the light, unlock the door, open my computer and then the door handle jiggles and in bursts dan, the boyfriend, all the way from cornell!

needless to say, all my weekend plans & scheduling flew right out the window. so, dan and I hung out for a little bit before heading downtown for dinner at mexican radio (such yums) and I'm Still Here (the joaquin phoenix mock/documentary-now-turned-movie). good night. such a good night.

saturday was spent seeing his family & getting him a haircut and then heading to queens for dinner with my family. this is a running joke between my family and everyone we know -- we don't live in queens, we just go to eat there. my dad loves the ethnic food in queens. whatevah. and saturday night was pretty uneventful -- watched the new 30 rock (eh) and went for a walk down to union square and got bubble tea.

so today I got to crack down on my work (none of which was pressing) with some pressure alleviated after doing well on my psych test. instead of going to the opera tonight for mhc, we're going to a movie. it's just cold and rainy and I don't really want to shlep (is that too yiddish?) to the guggenheim and there's another opera that we're going to as a class later in the semester so that just makes a lot more sense. that being said, after a day of work (and a nap!), movie time!

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