Thursday, September 2, 2010

Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

To be perfectly honest, this isn't really my thing. I haven't delved into the personal-experience genre of blogging. Generally I write about trivia, sports, television and hamburgers on my own blog, along with essays and short stories both on my blog and on my ePortfolio (more on that later). But I'm here, so here goes...

...My name is Daniel Pecoraro, and I'm a member of the Class of 2014 at Hunter, meaning that this is my first full week in a college setting. So it just goes to show that my neophyte-ery is pretty high compared to many of the seasoned writers on this blogging establishment.

But in spite of the neophyte-ery, I'll press on. To put it plainly, so far, I'm loving my time at Hunter and at Macaulay. A brief rundown on why: I can actually accept stepping out of my comfort zone (taking a huge risk in the process, according to the venerable Onion), through stuff like Outward Bound day and my Arts in New York class (where we painted - seriously, we used watercolors to create portraits of our classmates, something I hadn't done since freshman year of high school), the classes are fun and challenging (where I get to learn from the fellow students, along with my professors - but that's another post), and we get Macbook Pros, which is what I'm writing my post on now.

I love history, which is something I'd like to continue studying in college (though my major is as of yet undecided), but I want to jump into other subjects - possibly media studies, possibly film, possibly even astronomy (which I've always held a recreational interest in). But my biggest goal for college is not focusing on history and only history (in fact, the exact opposite - see "stepping out of comfort zone" comment above), or keeping up a 4.0 (though we do have to maintain a 3.5 GPA), but take in all the City has to offer. Much like my partner-in-crime Danielle, I lived in a suburban area (specifically, southeast Queens, as far away from the City while still actually being in the City as is humanly possible), so from the dorms to the Cultural Passport to the New York seminars, I'm just taking in all the City has to offer.

I've got a few posts planned for the future, so stick around - and check out my personal blog!

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