Friday, September 10, 2010

shanah tovah, like the good old days

probably one of the biggest perks of going to hunter (in my opinion) is getting off for jewish holidays -- or any religion-affiliated, non-state holiday. having gone to jewish day school for my entire life, it's totally in my comfort zone to have off for holidays. I felt so bad for all my friends at other, private colleges who weren't with their families for the chag (holiday) because they all sounded so miserable. even though I'm not (and most of my friends aren't) particularly religious, there's still something comfortable about going home for jewish holidays and dinners.

on my way up to cornell now, to visit friends and the older brother -- nothing like spreading a shanah tovah u'metukah (happy & sweet new year) to people that I love and couldn't be home. lucky me, I get a whole 10-hours devoted to bus rides where I can get work done (is it weird that I love bus rides for that exact reason? it's as if I have time set aside for myself to do work and have all my other time to play!).

so, to all those readers: shanah tovah u'metukah, hope you're enjoying your chag as much as I am!

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