Thursday, October 21, 2010


so I never had midterms in high school -- nope, just didn't have them. and now I am getting kicked in the butt. I'm totally down with my psych class (4 tests over the course of the semester, nothing too cumuluative -- as in no more than 4 chapters of material on one test) and I'm doing well because I'm studying the way I know how to study.

and then comes anthropology which, not only is the lecture about 10x bigger than ANY class I took in high school but it's just a ton of information mishmashed into a very sad heap on the floor. so, I'm trying to study (really, I am.) but it almost seems futile. how many more times can I explain "cultural relativism" and give examples of it from the readings we've done & lectures we've heard...over the past EIGHT weeks. please, as if I'm supposed to remember all the lectures? let me just explain that -- the lectures haven't made any sense. like really, none. it's a joke. really. so studying for this thing (by the way, it's not only honors kids in the class and I sound like an elitist jerk saying this but the kids who aren't honors ask really dumb questions. like REALLY dumb.) seems pointless. no matter what, I'm still going to know more about this stuff than other people are.

and then, due monday, is my polisci take-home exam. granted, it's definitely not the hardest it could have been but it's certainly not easy. so, while I'm not particularly excited to write 3 short essays interpreting, contextualizing & refuting quotations from locke, hobbes, rousseau & descartes (that's a lie, I'm a little excited) I'm definitely procrastinating writing it...and using "studying for anthropology" as an excuse. psh.

and to more anthropology (just a little review before bed!) & beginning to write poli sci (maybe outlining my 3 essays). and bed. lots of bed!

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