Sunday, October 10, 2010

visiting and homework

I took a day trip down to Baltimore yesterday to visit people from the lab at Johns Hopkins where I worked over the summer, and finally got to see the famed undergraduate campus (I was working on the medical campus on the other side of town which is completely different):

I met up with the postdoc I worked with and another undergrad from the lab, and we walked around the campus, drove through Baltimore a bit, and had dinner by the harbor. It was good to be back; even though I was only at Hopkins for eight weeks, I got quite attached, and the postdocs I worked with really took me under his wing and is one of the best science mentors I've ever had. I jumped on the opportunity to get some advice about scholarship applications and where I should go next summer. Knowing people in the feild is great, I love having these resources to tap into.

It was also kind of weird to be back there, summer feels so long ago already. And back in the real world I have a ton of calculus homework piling up. Off I go!


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