Monday, December 6, 2010

so much stress, so little motivation.

so, last week of classes. kind of freaking out? half in the good wow-this-semester-is-over-it-went-by-so-quickly way and half in the oh-finals-are-in-two-weeks-cool way. so, while I'm stressed (anthro professor just wants us to finish books and articles, no big deal, of course. it's like anthropology is the only class I'm taking! or does she not realize that other teachers assign work too?), I have zero motivation to do anything (all my work that's left is anthropology)...and yes, that can be attributed to the fact that anthropology is BORING and annoying at this point and my professor is an egoist who just wants to talk about her stupid book that I don't enjoy reading! she is a very nice little old lady but I really didn't take anthro101 to just learn about the indians in mexico. it is taking all of my efforts to sit down and read that stupid freaking book.

on the plus side...I did my LAST reading for political theory which made me a little sad because I love my professor and the class and everything is wonderful. even though it's a reading intensive course, it's so enjoyable and the subject matter is so interesting and funny at times. psychology is pretty much done -- last class on thursday and non-cumulative final test next monday (thank the lord it isn't cumulative, I'd be killing myself). working on my mhc final project which is (surprisingly) going very very smoothly. pretty impressed about that.

the only down side of the psych test being on monday is that saturday I have plans to go holiday shopping with my friends and then decorate my friend's tree/bake cookies (the plus side to having a christian friend!) and sunday is the opening of the snapshot exhibit which I've been helping to curate all semester. hopefully that won't take too long and I can devote friday afternoon & sunday to doing that. definitely, definitely not a party weekend.

and now...back to anthropology. I'm crying inside.

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