Monday, December 27, 2010

The past few weeks

So it has been a while since I last posted since it was finals week. It was a week of intense studying for a lot of us since we all egg each other on. Also no ones wants a low average anyways. Right now, for those of us who are taking bio, we are still waiting anxiously for our bio grades.
I managed to organize a night out for the people I have become closest with. We went out to eat at this really nice Thai restaurant called Room Service. The place had pretty nice decor but the food was amazing for the price. We were a pretty large group with 24 people and pretty much took over a subway car. After dinner most of us headed back to the dorms and had some of the brownies I baked and pretty much had a really nice time chilling together as the night winded down. What really surprised me was how tight knit of a group we have become since most of us come from near the city. At this point, I really can't imagine being somewhere else. I just spoke to one of my friends who is a senior at Stuyvesant High School. Early decisions just came out and she found out that she got into Brown University with almost a full ride. It was a bit surprising that she didn't feel particularly happy, rather she asked me some really interesting questions, which is: what if she decided to go to somewhere else? Who would she end up as? How would she change? and most of all, who would she meet? I thought about this too when I left Stuy behind. Looking back, there was absolutely no way to find out what the future has in store, you just have to take a pick. I never had any regrets about this decision.
The vacation so far for me hasn't been anything special and I am really not looking forward to tomorrow. We didn't really plan anything as a family. There is simply too much to do right now. I did drive my family around the town and took my baby sis to see the giant Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. As for tomorrow, I am getting three wisdom teeth pulled. I already had one pulled and I'm not much of a fan of going through the process consciously. It is not anything horrible per say, but it does feel like they are trying to break your jaw. The dentist wanted me to have general anesthesia since 3 teeth takes a fairly long time, but I wasn't able to schedule it since it requires me to go to the operating room. Still I wonder how I am gonna get back home through all the snow being all knocked out and bloody. Guess tomorrow is going to be interesting.
Anyways hope everyone else had a good vacation!

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