Monday, December 27, 2010

Ahhh... winter

New York clearly got the message about this being winter break - we are now covered in a couple feet of snow. Which is great because it's encouraging me to spend a lot of time lounging around in pajamas reading rather than doing something productive, and I always have a tendency to not really take a break on my breaks.

Actually, there is a fair amount of work to be done during this break. First off there's lab work to be done; though I managed to dig up about 12-15 hours a week to put in there during the fall, now that school's out I'm hoping to get some real work done. I also have to write a several different things and organize letters of recommendation for my application for the Goldwater scholarship, an undergrad science thing which I was nominated for. And write an application or two for some summer programs. And start to think about grad school, GREs, etc...

But in the meantime I'm still enjoying the fact that I can sleep a normal amount each night, drink about 1/3 as much coffee as I have for the past several months, and maybe even get in shape, if I'm really ambitious. At least until the spring semester starts.

- Celine

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