Thursday, December 9, 2010

ailey, ailey, ailey.

I mean I guess part of that title can be "ail" as in yes, I am sick (finished antibiotics last night though so hopefully I'll be better super soon) but really the title was ailey as in alvin ailey as in wonderfulness.

background check: I love to dance. I danced all through high school with teachers from alvin ailey (my school was right by their studio so they taught dance at my school) and I really loved it. I've done ballet, hip-hop, jazz, modern (my favorite), afro-haitian...everything. really, everything. and I miss it so much. I want to start taking open classes or a class at hunter but I don't have the time yet. soon though.

so I've seen the ailey company perform before but tonight it was really, really gorgeous. everything was lush and beautiful and it was fun. my mhc seminar went together and, obstacle #1 was that our professor was totally m.i.a. before the performance. luckily, I spoke to the woman at group sales and she organized us and we were let in. that was good. and our professor made it for the second act, so that was nice.

in all other news, the snapshot exhibit is going up on saturday so that's going to pretty much consume my day (which means I get to cancel other plans to do that...growl) but it'll be fun and sunday's the exhibit! come see it!

and then wednesday is my only final and that is all. the semester is over. first semester of freshman year of college? totally almost done!

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