Monday, October 10, 2011

A Well Deserved Weekend!

This has been our second long weekend in a row, and I must say, it was much needed. Last Thursday was our first exam in Bio 100, which means that I was stressed out with studying and preparing for well over a week leading up to the test. And I haven't taken a Biology class since my freshman year of high school, so I hadn't the slightest clue what to expect! I really have no idea how I might have done, but it was definitely very challenging, and left me absolutely exhausted at the end of it all.

One of the greatest things about living in New York is how close I am to home still. There is really nothing better than being able to hop on the M66 (right outside of Hunter!) and going home after a really stressful day. Don't get me wrong, I love living in the dorms, but there's nothing like a home cooked meal, the love of your parents, and the comfort of your own bed. As much as it would be kind of cool to live far away from home, experiencing a totally different place, I find that going home really grounds me.

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