Friday, October 7, 2011

College Lyfe!

Hey y'all,

(I am not from Texas or anything. Just sayin'. I am from New York. I just enjoy the word "y'all," that's all.)

I realize I'm a bit late with my first blog, but better late than never, right?

Anyway, I’m Amirah! I'm lucky enough to be a part of the Macaulay-Hunter group as a freshie this year. A bit about me: I’m majoring in indecision and I was born in June…I have a strange fondness for Colin Firth, persimmons and cucumbers. I think vacuuming is painful, as is washing dishes. I can’t cut in a straight line, and I love the color green. My hair has been described as happy. When I’m not amusing the world with my renowned cheesy jokes, you can usually find me reading Entertainment Weekly cover to cover or singing Bollywood songs too loudly.

So, college. The reason I signed up to be a part of the MacBlog is because when I was applying to Macaulay-Hunter, I read this blog a lot. And I thought the kids who blogged here were super-cool. And it helped me in my decision-making process more (just kidding, I heard about Macaulay my junior year and was completely awed by it). If you're a prospective student reading this, yay! Come to Macaulay! Even though it's not well known outside of the city (I'm from Dutchess County and the people there were like, wow your school is the most obscure thing I've heard of so I'm going to ignore it and pretend you just go to Hunter. And it was like, hey! Macaulay is a top school! People just don't know it yet! In 10 years when all the Macaulay kids are owning the world and then people know about it, I'm going to be a total, yeah, I went to that school! It's going to be great. But I digress.)

Right, so college. Again. College is fun. I think I say this because my workload hasn't been significant enough to freak me out yet, but the social aspect is fun. There are so so so many diverse people at Hunter. I've met so many other Guyanese people, which is crazayyy because all my life I've known very few at school. We're practically a majority of a minority at Brookdale! Dorming is also loads of's kind of like one big sleepover, except we have our own rooms. But we walk around in our jammies all the time and cook together sometimes, and I'll sometimes run down the hall to borrow milk or cereal or sugar or a pan from someone. I love it!

Well, I'm off to return my DVDs to the library ($3 per day when your DVDs are late?! Clearly I don't know the city library system!) and perhaps walk a bit. A lot of my friends who go to other colleges where they live on campus can't quite comprehend the idea that we have to walk to the train every day and from it to get to our dorms...but I like it. Exercise is good! JK I'm totally going to take that statement back in the winter when it's freezing. Another cool thing that came to mind about our Macaulay-Hunter living situation: we dorm, live at college etc, but then we go home on weekends. Most of the students are from NY, so we just head home if we're homesick or if we've run out of food we take the train to get some home-cooked shiz! Living without a meal plan is alright, I suppose because most of us (maybe most of us? some of us? a bunch of us? Ok, well I do!) get food from home every week or so, but if we feel like cooking we'll cook. Sometimes we actually do have to cook. But all's good.

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