Thursday, January 28, 2010

It has been long time....

Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since I have blogged and I never provided a bio of myself so I will do so now.

My name is Amanda Bastone, as I am sure many of you know, and I just declared a double-major in Sociology and Art History last semester. I don't have a minor yet however, I am considering Political Science or Italian. I would like to study abroad in Italy, preferably Rome, and study art and architecture while dining on magnificent Italian food and practicing my Italian speaking skills. However, I would also like to go to England, perhaps for sociology but mainly because I want to go to Liverpool and trace the steps of the legendary Beatles. Yes, I am one of those crazy Beatles fans who even dreams of getting a degree on Beatles' history. Yes, it really exists so look it up.

Anyways, I am a second semester sophomore who is also in the Thomas Hunter Honors Program; I am taking my first class for the program this semester called The Evolution of Scientific Thought. It is a fascinating class and Professor Alexandratos, as far as I can tell at the moment, is a comical and fair professor. Although I do like the course, I can tell it may drive me insane by the end of the semester since it questions what is reality through a philosophical and scientific perspective. However, I had experience with deconstructing reality over the summer in my Eastern Religions course and I survived so I am confident I will be fine. I am sure I will still know a chair is a chair and not just some amalgamation of atoms that can theoretically form anything. A chair is a chair and you sit in it.

Today was indeed my first day of classes and so far, I love/like all of them and I am very psyched for this semester. My MHC seminar, Shaping the Future of New York City with Professor Glassman seems like it will be a very work-intensive yet very rewarding class. The reading on New York city seem fascinating and include The Power Broker and Gotham to name a few. The research project seems interesting too and I am going to try to find a topic I really love and identify with. Our job is to propose policy change for New York City and to have a sweeping vision of a greater and better New York. This is a daunting task that involves networking and interviewing but these skills are needed to succeed in life and are a great asset.

I also really look forward to studying 20th Century Art in my art history course because not having an art history class last semester was pretty traumatizing. I mean, if you really love something and have to go without it for awhile it does hurt pretty badly. Although art history involves an extensive amount of memorization, interpreting the artwork and reading how critics interpret it is very thought-provoking and fun. You are basically learning how to creatively deduce meaning from a visual image or some other form of art.

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