Monday, January 25, 2010

End of break, beginning of semester, etc etc

So in 3 days I begin my last semester of college. Ever. Wow. I've already got a short assignment to do for one of my Pol Sci courses, and I've ordered a ton of books from Amazon for my course on Beckett. It's probably going to be a pretty intense semester.

The break has been pretty good. Mock Trial has been meeting 3 times a week, which is fun. I've been having a jolly time studying up for the LSAT, focusing mostly on the logic games right now. Planning to take a practice test later today, which I should have done ages ago, it's just hard to work in a big enough chunk of time all at once.

In other news, over the weekend I watched the first (and only) season of My Own Worst Enemy. It's a pretty good show, which got canceled, inexplicably, after 9 episodes. All sorts of fun messing around with issues of identity and such, without being pretentious about it, mixed with a fun spy drama and something of a deconstruction of the whole spy-drama genre. Also, more double- and triple-crossing per episode than I've ever seen. The only thing that irks me about the show is that almost half the episodes do the whole thing where they start with an out-of-context action scene, then cut to "24 hours earlier..." which is just a cheap gimmick to build false suspense, and really should only be used once every season or two if absolutely necessary.

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