Friday, January 29, 2010

Starting Again

Spring 2010 was greeted by...snow. Go figure.

I've been back at Hunter since Monday (working), so waking up for my 10:10 CHC was a lot easier than it could have been. I'm actually pretty excited about this one. I have Professor Vengoechea, who is an architect and city planner, and he's planned some pretty interesting sounding field trips and assignments. Plus, no books to buy, and a relatively light reading schedule (a VERY satisfying change from last semester. Egh.) No ideas about final projects, but there's plenty of time for that.

Und Deutsch 202! Ich habe eine neue Professorin - sie heisse Frau Anderson. Es geht gut. (She seems to finally be the professor to push the class at a quick pace, rather than dealing with people who don't put in any effort. Also, I'm excited to be taking a course from someone who isn't a native German speaker. I think it'll boost my confidence a little bit...)

I've only met two of my five professors so far - looking forward to next week! I hope everyone else is as well.


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