Thursday, September 13, 2012

Howdy, Macblog-readers!

Hello all!

I'm Amirah, a sophomore at MHC! I like the color green, I've been told I have a creepy giggle, and I generally enjoy eating figs and persimmons a lot. If I could, I would spend most of my time reading teen fiction (the high quality books, okay, not the vampire ones, though there *is* one vampire series I do like. But just one!) but, the readings associated with being a pre-Nursing major keep me from fulfilling this dream. This year I'd like to explore more of NYC since I live in the city for free, stop procrastinating, sleep earlier, and eat more Thai food. (Oh, and be a better student and stuff blah blah). Since this is an introduction post I don't feel entirely too obligated to talk about relevant things, like school or whatever, so I'm going to fill up this space with more random statements. I like to watch trailers (almost obsessively), and my biggest accomplishment thus far into the fall semester is that my notebooks match with my bedspread (it's a lovely teal/aqua color!! My curtains, garbage can, laptop and phone case also might be going a bit too far, but last year I had the weirdest color scheme going on in my room and clearly, this summer I had nothing better to do than eagerly plot out the colors for my dorm room. Okay. I'm going to stop discussing this, because I sound weird. I just like to match! Who doesn't want a matching dorm room!)
 I like meeting new Macaulay people and desperately wish we had our own Macaulay campus! Macaulay people are all generally incredible cool to get to know, so it's a pity we can only really be tight with our campus-Macaulay people! Ah, one day there will be one campus! I hope! Right now I'm writing this because I'm avoiding my sociology paper. Alicia Keys is singing on my itunes (before that, Celine Dion!) and apparently she doesn't care about diamond rings and wanting it all like other people. I also was looking up the most watched videos on youtube before, (that charlie video, which I am extremely late on, is SO cute! And I'm kind of in shock that J.Biebs "Baby" video is the most watched. Really? It's catchy, tween girls think he's cute, even I like some of his songs, but he has some LAME dance moves. (And his video for "Boyfriend" is just painful to watch. Not that I have watched it a lot or have sung along to the chorus so much last spring that my close friends hate anything to do with that song now. Not at all. Also, yes, I did just use double parenthesis. I like parenthesis. And rambling, it appears.)) but alas, I must end this post and tackle some good ol' gender socialization.
Here's hoping whoever was lucky enough to read this high-quality literature of mine comes out feeling at least mildly amused!


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