Sunday, March 6, 2011

Midterm Mayhem

Midterms are coming up! And if you're like me, then you're anxious and stressed out with the amount of work that continues to pile up and the exams that are approaching quickly. The one thing that keeps me sane? Good food.

One of my favorite things to do on a Friday night is go grocery shopping and then make dinner. I know. I'm a party animal. I make my way down to the Farmer's Market in Union Square where the fruits are fresh, vegetables are organic, and cheeses are delectable. They also sell ground beef and lamb, but I try to stay away from meat except for the occasional fish. The craziest thing I've seen there is ostrich eggs. Yes, you heard right. Ostrich eggs. They look like large rocks and I can't image eating one, but hopefully I will before I graduate!

After getting my usual bag of groceries (usually bunch of carrots, bag of red onions, mushrooms, some apples and whatever is in season or looks good), I head back to the dorms to make dinner. It's always so relaxing and comforting to just be alone for a while, make good food and enjoy it. At that moment, school and work and midterms seem far far away.

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