Monday, March 21, 2011

the calm at the eye of the storm

since the past three weeks have been SO stressful, I am beyond thrilled to kind of just float this week. reading 1-2 chapters in textbooks has never been so delightful. do I wish we had break now like everyone else? naturally. but, we'll have pesach off so it evens out.

because I have class at 1 on mondays, this morning I trekked to the west side to visit my high school to catch up with old teachers. it's funny that I have the same feeling of calm I have when I step through the front door of my house that I have when I go back to high school. it was such a good place to be and all the teachers there are genuinely happy to see me (and my friends) when we get back to visit.

today was also climactic because....(drum roll please!) I bought my tickets to go to miami with the boyfriend at the end of the semester! thankfully he has family down there and they own a hotel so we won't need to pay for a room (which is amazing) and flights were super cheap ($209 round trip!) so it's just going to be a great, great, great end to the year. of course, my flight is at 4:35pm and my last final is at 12pm,'ll all be fine, I'm sure. as we say in my family, koom-bah-ya. hopefully I won't even have to TAKE my last final (nutrition) if I do well enough on the next two tests. I got a 92 on the first one which I'm completely satisfied with, so...fingers crossed!

and now on to writing more for the rough draft of my mhc150 final paper (my class has SO much more work than everyone else's, it's incredibly frustrating), a nap and a well-deserved trip to the gym because I haven't done cardio in weeks. yippee!

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