Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lively Movement Days

Although I've heard that it might not stay this way, the weather has been wonderful. Its given me new energy to do things that are likely to give the energy to do more energizing things. Spring has sprung!

I think the catalyst for this is my resolution to walk from Brookdale to the main campus more often. My good friend and fellow MacBlogger Daniel Pecoraro makes the walk regularly. His legs look great. I could use the exercise. So, now that spring break makes getting a monthly financially irresponsible and I no longer worry about being hail-stormed to death, I have changed my habits so that we can go to school together.

Today, we were walking in for a much promoted actually happening freshman meeting. They've been canceled pretty much all semester, after the first spring semester one revealed that many of us find them a waste of time. I think its better having them every two weeks or so. But we were too distracted by the nervous anticipation to realize the event was next Thursday. Today's program was for pre-meds, which doesn't affect me in the least, save for the fact that I was at school 4 hours before my first (and only) class. At least, we weren't alone in our error.

In front of Room 615, "D-pec" and I ran into some equally confused friends. We talked, and eventually decided to use some coupons Daniel found on the internet to get free ice cream sundaes at Häagen-Dazs. What a great deal! It was a short walk by comparison. I don't want to know how much sugar goes in to a Chocolate Peppermint Dazzler, but it was delicious. I felt very youthful, (as I should...I'm 19). The company and the thrill of the deal didn't hurt either.

After that, I studied, had a nice conversation about a paper-in-progress with my Religion Professor during her office hours and made some phone calls. The class itself was pretty good, but I wasn't expecting anything less from a look at the religious art of 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt. Hatsheput, Akenaten, King Tut?! Oh My!

After class, I took a walk thorough Central Park to get to the Macaulay Honors College's Common Ground event. Yay for cultural diversity! The Macaulay building was as gorgeous as ever and the caberet area was filled with delicious food and people in cultural dress. There was room for more students but it was nice to come in a little after everyone else and still have a ton to eat and a good place to watch the performances from. It made me miss my culture club events from high school. My classmates here are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo talented.

And after walking home with Daniel, I can dream of the day where I'm matching the dancers' quick, spirited pace.

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