Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm really frustrated at the moment because I had a midterm last week that I know I did really badly on, and it's been bothering me ever since. It's particularly bothersome because I went into it feeling completely prepared, and in fact I did know the material pretty well, it just... didn't work out. Oh well.

Otherwise things have been moving along nicely. We're only a few weeks from spring break - this is one really annoying thing about CUNY, our spring break is so late that it's kind of a moot point by the time we finally reach it - and then it will be only a couple weeks until finals. I've been using most of my free time to [attempting to] narrow down my interests and grad school prospects, so that I have some idea of where I want to go and what I actually want to do when I get there before application season this fall. In the meantime, I've realized that there just isn't a good way to fit all the classes I want to take into the summer and next year, so I've started pursuing somethings, mostly more calculus, on my own, armed with my textbook and solutions guide from last semester and Academic Earth lectures (for anyone who has never checked out Academic Earth, it's a really cool website with tons of video lectures from top schools around the country).

A final note, to anyone thinking about pursuing a hard science track who may have heard the rumors of horror about organic chemistry, I just want to say: it's really not that hard. Maybe I'm crazy or, more likely, just happen to have a textbook and professor that work well with how I understand things, and I'm sure that second semester is a different story, but I'm now right in the middle of first year organic and it is definitely no more difficult than general chemistry or many other classes I've taken. Just putting that out there.

- Celine

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