Monday, March 14, 2011

I feel like my blog posts are becoming a broken record, but this semester is continuing to go really well. I still love my neurophysiology class, and it's become a very social class too, which makes it even more pleasant. We have our midterm next week which I'm a bit nervous about, but I know that with sufficient studying it should be OK. Organic chem has been disappointing; despite the dire predictions, it's really not that hard, or at least not yet and we're almost half way through. It's not easy either, but it's very average. That's not what I'm disappointed about though. I'm disappointed because it's been getting more and more boring instead of more interesting, and I really like chemistry so that was not my expectation. Oh well. M,y statistics lab TA position is still very fun and challenging; I spent most of last week grading lab reports which was really daunting at first - I have a whole new respect for my professors now. It was so hard to take points off someone's work though...

In addition to my classes, I'm in Macaulay's Goldsmith program, which meets every Sunday this month to work on writing personal statements for fellowship/scholarship applications. Somewhat to my surprise, one of the best things about that is that I'm meeting more students who I really get along with. Actually, the same is true for my tutoring and TA practicum - I'm meeting many more like-minded people than I did in my first couple years here.

Now I'm at my lab; work has been slow lately but when I got in today my boss, who isn't here today, had mysteriously left a journal paper on my desk, so I guess I'd better read it...

- Celine

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