Wednesday, March 30, 2011

joke week #2.

so I thought last week was relaxed...turns out this week is TOO. yesterday my internship was canceled (the new linesheets have come in so we have nothing to e-mail out to yoga companies we want to carry the brand) and I had psych was canceled, so I wrote a paper way in advance for psych during that time, went to trader joe's after class and went to yoga in the afternoon. finished reading way in advance for nutrition (we're a chapter and a half behind the syllabus...) and went to bed early.

today I overslept (woke up at 9:56am, class started at 10:10am) but FRET NOT. nutrition is in the dorms. since my professor wasn't there (this is why we're a chapter and a half behind...) we watched a documentary on dieting and food fads in america which was super interesting but not really anything new (I grew up in a house where mom was always on and off weight watchers, depending on the amount of stress in her life and am a huge health junkie). I went down to the nutrition computer lab and turns out that, because I live in the dorms, I can do the work needed on the computer at night because it's pretty empty from like 7pm to 9pm (close).

after class, since I got out an hour and a half early and am still on break from work (I miss my kids!) and mom was in the city, we met up for lunch and got a mani-pedi because she and my dad are going to florida on friday. afterwards, went to the gym (feel so good!!) and did my 3 mile run and some ab work and then home to do this alcohol training yadda yadda yadda.

no work due for the rest of the week though! life is so good for now....

1 comment:

  1. where is this nutrition computer lab? I've always wanted to go, but never knew exactly where it is!
