Sunday, November 11, 2012

Life after the Storm

I sincerely hope that everyone is up and dandy by now since it's been a couple weeks after the storm. If not, my deepest regards.

Well, there were no catastrophes in my neighborhood, though we lost power for a week. For a few days during that week, it was a problem getting some hot foods or drinks (as you can see in the picture), but other than that everything was fine.

For the remainder of the week, I moved to my aunt's house so I can actually get some work done and have some hot food. However, when school started again, it was a hassle getting to Hunter. 

I don't live in a place that was hit as hard as Staten Island, but it was still a pain getting to Hunter. It took me nearly two hours the first day. I endured this for another two days before I took up my friend's offer. Her dad let a few of us stay at an apartment in the city. I was like WOW! This is awesome. It's just like college life.

But that changed by the time I got there. Don't get me wrong. It was still pretty amazing having an apartment to ourselves but no one has lived there for so long it needs a whole scrub down. I'm currently sharing the biggest room with one friend, and if you think I'm OCD clean, she is triple times cleaner than me. We had to strip the beds of the dusty bed sheets and since I was the only one with bed sheets, we're sharing the bed. That was fine except my bed sheets don't fit and we're sharing half a bed T_T. That was only the first thing. The bathroom was, let's just say, not that eye-appealing. Both my friend and I were afraid to touch anything.

On top of all this, my fellow roommates (apart from my OCD friend) added on to the pile of cleaning. My friend and I were nice enough to cook dinner for them the first night since they weren't home yet and it was blizzarding outside. They ended up leaving a sinkful of dishes and pots, which I cleaned most of it. The next day, they were going home after school so they left first. When my friend and I got back to the apartment, we found another sinkful of dishes bigger than the first one -_- My friend cleaned it all but "never again" she says, "never again".

I already know that anything good that comes usually is followed with a little bad. This just reinforces it. I am grateful for the later mornings and shorter travel to school and I do understand I am better off than a lot of people. But I am longing to go back to my clean, dustless home with a whole bed.

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