Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Learning things the hard way.

Don't ever forget your umbrellas kiddies.
Looking like a drowned rat isn't cute.
And rain comes down very suddenly in the city.
Create a nice little nest for your umbrella in your backpack and just let it live there.
Don't take it out, otherwise it will be on your desk at home.
And you'll be soaking wet and cranky in Manhattan.
Soaking wet, cranky, and not cute. Not exactly how you want to look in college.

On top of that, if you don't have an umbrella, your backpack gets wet.
And what do you keep in your backpack?
Your notes from your lecture that are now wet.
Your journal that is now wet.
Your textbook that is now wet.
And your lovely Macbook Pro, which, by some miracle, didn't get wet.
But the case did, so it's too close for comfort.

And when your mommy calls you asking how you are, and you respond
"Alright, but I got soaked!"
You won't be given sympathy.
You'll be told to use your head for something other than a hatrack.
Which is another thing you need to remember, because if you had a hat, at least then your head would be drier than it is.

Bottom line? Check the weather before you leave. If the weatherman says that their might be a single wisp of a cloud, bring your umbrella.

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