Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mindy Kaling is My Hero, Rom Coms, HIMYM, and The Importance Going To Office Hours

Hope everyone is ok after the hurricane. In some boroughs like the Bronx, we only felt tremors, meanwhile in other areas trees became evil and broke houses. I'm writing that lightly, but my sympathies for everyone affected by the hurricane, especially those in bad areas of New Jersey, Staten Island and lower Manhattan. New York City is such a delicate, complex place that it's hard to get back up on our feet after a storm like that (imagine if it were higher than a category 1? Or imagine if it were even more devastating, like tsunamis in Indonesia, for example? Thank goodness). But as the city that never sleeps, we are surviving!
As we all know, Brookdale is in lower Manhattan, so it was damaged by the storm. I think every Macaulay or non-Macaulay student that dorms there appreciates that building, and not just because we don't currently live there anymore. It's rare to score a single room for free in Manhattan! Despite it being not state of the art, I love Brookdale, and even those who might complain about it miss it. In a way, we've lost a home (again, saying this lightly. Some have actually lost their homes- we've just lost our dorms.) and a lot of students are displaced. The only trouble with Brookdale is that we don't really have any idea as to when we'll be back. Next semester, or in a week? Don't know. I'm going to assume that since we only have a month left before (cue eerie music) ~~FINALS TIME ~~ that we won't be back until the semester's end.
Luckily, commuting is no stranger to anyone, I guess. In a school of about 14,000 only 600 students or so dormed. We were lucky anyway.
Moving on from Sandy! (Except, wait, just kidding: one more thing. I found it funny that during our entire week off, it seemed like absolutely NO ONE did any work. Some people couldn't, without power and hurricane damages, but others with power didn't do any either. Judging from facebook those with power watched a lot of TV.)

In other news: I watched Legally Blonde the other day. I think I am going to have an annual-Watch Legally Blonde Day. That, or a Watch Sandra Bullock & Other Assorted Rom Coms That I Totally Miss Day. Speaking of rom coms, do you know who loves rom coms as much as I do? Answer: MINDY KALING! Aka one of my favorite tv writers/authors/actresses/general celeb ever. She's cool to all brown girls out there, because there aren't a ton of popular, well-known of-South-Asian-descent (aka brown) actresses out there. AND she's just super awesome! And funny! Her book "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns" was an enjoyable, laugh-out-loud read about her life until now. I love that she acts like a ditz (for example, as Kelly on The Office and even in her new show ***which I highly recommend watching on hulu*** The Mindy Project) but in real life, she went to Dartmouth. And she's a brilliant TV writer. Go Mindy! (And her TV character loves following celebrity news and I LOVE FOLLOWING CELEBRITY NEWS!!!!!!! Sorry for the over enthusiasm. BUT REALLY!)
Also her voice is good for animated characters (good call, Wreck It Ralph casting crew!).
On her blog, she dedicated a whole post to sour candies.
I LOVE sour candies.
You see why she's awesome.

Alright, Mindy & Hurricane discussion over....logically, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER would come next!
How I Met Your Mother:
I was late in watching this show. I saw most of all the episodes this summer and watched all of season 7 in one weekend. I discovered that season 7 is either extremely emotional (I think it's that, to be honest) or that I tend to cry easily around 2 AM while watching TV alone. But I'm sure if you're reading this, you're an HIMYM fan anyway, so I don't have to go on about it. Definitely a good anti-stressor (is that a term?). I wish I were best friends with the entire cast.

One more thing before I end off- this time, I'm sorry, it's not about pop culture in any way- (if you want to stop reading, go ahead, how could anything non-pop-culture related be interesting? (I'm totally just kidding, you celeb-life-pop-culture haters, and yes I used double parenthesis, score!)) a tip a professor of mine gave me today: Go to your office hours! At least once or twice.
All professors encourage this. If you do it, it promotes your student-professor relationship that is needed in the future (recommendation letters/general life-school advice!). If you're a science related major, this can be difficult, because it's likely your classes will have 600 kids. Or even just 100- it's definitely NOT a personalized small class. Utilize those office hours! Even I don't, but it never hurts and you can always pretend that the professors are lonely and are glad for a visit (even if they're not.)

Last random side note: if bored, emailing friends is fun sometimes! A refreshing change from facebook.
And you can play fun email games, like my personal favorite : the "Important Life Questions" game. (Hmm. I just considered how loser-ish I sound in this blog, and how loser-ish I sound right now especially. But the moment is over, for if I thought like that all the time I would probably just never talk.) You can come up with a bunch of random questions, ranging from silly (Zain Malik or Zac Efron?) to obscurely weird (What is the color of your soul?) or to slightly deep life questions (Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? Or, What do you think is the best way to fall in love?)
I dunno people, make it up!
But if you email the same set of questions to your closest friends, the responses are always interesting, and it's fun to do.
At least for me. I must sound lame, dear freshmen reading this, but I promise I'm not AS lame as I sound.
If people actually do read this and you somehow recognize me when you come to Macaulay, please say hi!!!! That would be cool.
Anyway, definitely ending this post right now to go study anatomy!! (New tactic of the week: everytime I clap someone on their shoulder or something, I shout, "DELTOID!"Or whatever part of their arm I see. Is it helping me cram for the muscles exam in a week? No, not really, but it's kind of fun.)

(I wish I had thought to sign off as "A." or something cool. Doesn't just "A." sound mature and mysterious? Sigh. I'll just be "Amirah!" for now.)

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