Thursday, November 3, 2011


So here I am, in the middle of the semester. Next week is sure to be fun as there is both a biology and chemistry test on two consecutive days. Last week, I received an abysmal grade in the chem test (reminded me of ap calculus) and although it will most likely be my grade dropped, this made me reflect on the semester overall. Last year, my problems in calculus were quite similar to the ones in chem. I made silly mistakes and sometimes didn't fully understand the concept. I loved the subject but each test left me frustrated since I couldn't figure what was the problem. Eventually, I began spending my time doing nothing but calculus. I spent hours after school with my teacher, and I did countless tests. I resolved to know every shortcut I could use and every trap I could fall into. In the end, the work paid off and I received my 5 even though I had initially started out pretty bad. So looking back at this, and evaluating my current predicament, I realized the situations are the same. So applying what worked last year should work again, right? I certainly feel just as strong about chem as I do for calculus. I'll seek more office hours and spend more time doing chem problems. I'll memorize every formula and try to formulate problems that the professor will give on the test. Hopefully this will work and I can find a balance where focusing on one subject (chem) won't harm another (bio).
So wish me bon chance!!

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