Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Can't Think of A Fun Title For This Blog

I know everyone's dying to hear about my Thanksgiving here it is! Thanksgiving was loads of fun. Usually I see my extended family all the time, but I've missed them away at college! We ate food and shouted nonsense at each other and made up random games to play when we got bored. If there's one thing I'm thankful for this year, it's family.
But anyway, it's Sunday morning, and I'm kind of dreading going back to school. Not because I'm homesick or will miss the piles of food that currently make up my house, but because I've slacked and haven't..done..anything! Coming home is like going on a I never do my work! So Monday, after my full day of class, I need to start my research paper, study for a chem test, do the psychology research requirement (!), and finish the never ending readings for political science. I'd complain some more but I feel like anyone who's not a freshman reading this is probably rolling their eyes at me. One thing I did kind of accomplish this weekend was my schedule for next semester! It's kind of fun to put together! But really stressful! Right now I have Wednesdays off. Which is random, but I'll take it.
To change to a really random, happy topic, (I've really been jumping around on this blog, sorry!) I read three teen fiction books this weekend! None of my textbooks, which I will feel guilty about later, but I totally loved every minute of soaking in the predictable, sometimes silly and dumb writings of teen fiction authors! (And hey, for the haters, some of those books are actually very well written and of good quality, ok?) Also, I watched a bunch of movies - Jumping the Broom (pretty good! It reminded me of Guess Who, which I now want to watch again because it's so brilliant), a really cheesy Disney Channel movie called Geek Charming (it was so bad. But my younger siblings were watching it and I had no other options!), and a part of Rio (such a cute movie! Nigel is so evil!). And right now we're watching White Chicks again. Good stuff!

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