Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why do I always get sick on vacations?

When I was little, I would pull the sick card with my parents so that I wouldn't have to go to school. See, it's not that I didn't like school, I really enjoyed it. I just didn't want to wake up in the morning. I was a typical kid. I've learned over the years that staying home actually makes you feel worse; you miss all the work you have to do and are subsequently more stressed out. So I've taken to trying to power through my colds and other sicknesses with a ton of tea and tissues. I don't know how my body did it, but it has figured out how to make it so that I only get sick over vacations. It's spring break and I have a cold. It's awful. But, as awful as it is, I'm just happy it didn't happen last week when I had all that work to do, classes to go to, and midterms to take.

I guess I could've seen this coming. I've really been pushing myself lately, staying up late to study for my exams and surviving my 5 hours of sleep with a lot of caffeine and yoga. Even with this, it's understandable that my body would be run down. I think all my reserve energy finally gave out. But I can't say it wasn't worth it. I got my Astronomy midterm grade back and I got a 97.5! That's a lot better than my first exam in that class, which means I can drop this grade. I also got an A on my Existentialism paper comparing Nietzsche and Kierkegaard's philosophies, and I think I did really well on my English and Mythology midterms as well.

One thing I can recommend to you if you're sick (as I think a lot of people might be this time of year, with allergies and sinuses acting up) is Sleepytime Sinus Soother tea. I've had about 3 cups of this tea with honey every day this break to combat my coughing, sore throat, and sniffles. In addition to this, Panera's chicken noodle soup and vaseline have helped me through these rough times. I can only wait it out in my sweats and watch some TV. Or maybe get started on all the work I have to do (probably not, I deserve somewhat of a break).

I've been thinking about what I'll be doing this summer. Most of my friends from Macaulay are going to Taiwan for their Flagship program. I was contemplating coming home and getting a job for the summer, but I'll probably take some summer classes at Hunter. Macaulay pays for up to 2 classes over the summer, which is great. Even though I have to pay for dorming, I get to take some summer classes and spend my summer in a beautiful city, for a minimal dorming fee. Plus, my friends can come visit me and stay with my over the summer when they're free. I'm double majoring in English and Philosophy, so I was thinking of getting some of those requirements out of the way. I might alternatively start taking Italian, since I might study abroad in Italy, or just take an interesting class or two. Who knows. I'm still weighing my options, but it seems likely I'll be doing this, which is really exciting! My future seems even more definitive now that I've figured out that I'll be double majoring. I was even thinking of applying to the Thomas Hunter honors program. I'm contemplating study abroad, internships, and already I've started thinking about graduate school, since I'm aiming to go for a masters and Ph.D in my field. Everything takes a lot of pain and planning, but it's my future so it'll be worth it.


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