Monday, March 11, 2013

Blue Skies in Brooklyn, Musings on Barney's, Birds at Trump Tower

Hello, everyone.

This weekend was nice because I got to go shopping with my mom, which doesn't get to happen that often during the semester because almost every weekend seems to be filled with homework. :p This weekend was also nice because of the weather. It was sunny, and there was a blue sky. I love pre-spring weather.
My mom's birthday is this Friday so I went out to get a gift for her today. I stopped by at a couple of stores and found something for her. It's this cool looking bracelet that I think she'll like. I didn't feel like going back to Hunter so I walked to Madison Avenue and eventually ended up at Barney's. I had never been inside before so I decided to walk in and see why celebrities always have Barney's bags hanging on their arms. As expected, everything was expensive and made by all these big designers. But there was something lacking. The entire time that I was there I felt like I was at a museum. The walls are mostly white, and there are mannequins everywhere (one of which I mistook for a real woman haha). I checked out each floor, and they were only a few people on each of them. Maybe it's because it was the middle of the day, but in my experience, most of these designer stores are empty. I saw a few women here or there, but for the most part, it was just sales associates, the mannequins, and little old me. I went to the top floor. To my surprise, there was a large cafe there filled with people. It was the middle of the day and yet all these people had the time to just chill out and eat expensive food. When I told my mom this story, she said that the class differences in this country are astonishingly obvious. I'm not saying these people are "evil" for being rich. It just seemed like a different world to me. The store was definitely a reflection of that world. A world that didn't seem all that appealing to me.
Also, I had been in H&M earlier in the day, and it was so much more fun to be there. At Barney's, the music is kinda weird sounding and not the kind of "high-energy" sounding music that most stores play. Like I said, the walls were bare, there was a lack of people, and in general, the floors felt kinda boring. At H&M, the colors, the music, and the people made it so much more fun to be there.

Barney's and other stores like that have such great reputations, but in reality, they lack what any space needs. Liveliness. The best way to get that is to get people to come. But how can people come if they can't afford all of those expensive clothes?

I also ended up going into Trump Tower for fun. haha. I walked through the first floor all the way to the other side. The doors on that side opened to this mini plaza with tables and chairs filled with people, trees, and cool steel sculptures. It was a really interesting public space. There was something strange about it though. I stopped and listened, and I realized that I was hearing birds!! Hearing the sweet sounds of small birds next to Trump Tower in one of the most expensive areas in the city. Birds. Amazing. :)  I don't know if they were placed there on purpose or if they flew in on their own, but they made the area seem like a mini oasis in a desert of Manhattan money. It was great. And this space was filled with people. This is the kind of space that our city needs.

So I had a really interesting day. People always say that the best way to get to know New York is to walk around and see all of the things that go on. That is so incredibly true. We live in one of the coolest cities in the world. It is not without its faults, but its our job to make it better.

I heard this week's song while in a store (not at Barney's!!) :p (by the way, I'm not a designer store hater or anything, but they just make me think about larger social questions).

I love Daughtry. Their songs are emotional, strong, and empowering.


Song of the Week

Ten miles from town and I just broke down
Spittin' out smoke on the side of the road
I'm out here alone just tryin' to get home
To tell you I was wrong but you already know
Believe me I won't stop at nothin'
To see you so I've started runnin'

All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughing with you
I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love ever after
After the life we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you

"Life After You" by Daughtry

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