Tuesday, November 24, 2009

There's no vision like re-vision...

Just turned in the revision of my second essay for Eng 308. I'd kept putting it off. It's hard to revise things for workshops--you have to balance out all the things people say, resist the urge to focus on the one person who managed to decipher your incoherent ramblings understands your genius, so on. The photo shows the revision process in action: every copy from the students and professor, with comments, my notes (yellow notepad paper), and my master copy to jot down what I'm going to do. I'm looking forward to the Thanksgiving break. I have no class on Wednesdays, and I'm going to skip my internship tomorrow, since the judge I'm interning for isn't going to be there, and it's a very low-key thing (I just show up and watch trials). I'll dedicate the break to finishing Paradise Lost and Moby-Dick and a lovely book on post-apartheid South Africa, and reading and commenting on the three remaining student essays, ditto with 3 stories for my fiction workshop. It shall be fun. And I just met with my advisor today and figured out my schedule for next semester. I have to take one less class than I thought I would--woohoo!

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