Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A bit late for Halloween, but... seemed like a sin to not talk about it, considering that it's my favorite holiday and an incredibly fun time to be in NYC. The parade was swamped, so it was kind of useless to head down to that side of town, but it was an incredible night to people watch. Especially dressed as the most bad ass skeleton on the streets. Even though I miss trick-or-treating back home, it's hard to not have fun on Halloween in the city.

Unfortunately, 18 credits, a part time job (in the honors lounge, though!) and a day off don't mix quite well, and I spent all of Sunday and most of Monday catching up reading and work. I'm still not caught up entirely. So it goes.

I spent the majority of my one class today - English 389.55, Jane Austen - vehemently defending Fanny Price, the heroine of Mansfield Park. This girl in my class (who I'm pretty sure despises me now) was arguing that she's boring and prissy, and I argued that introversion doesn't equate to dullness, and that Fanny Price has the most interiority and is the most relatable and realistic of all of the Austen heroines. Perhaps I'm just defending her because I totally relate to her. Something to consider...

Also, I saw Ricky Gervais do stand up at Hunter last night - absolutely hysterical (and for the Hunter-subsidized price of $10!) His taste is far cruder than mine, but it was a great way to step outside myself for an hour. It was totally refreshing. Hunter entertainment is generally pretty solid, actually. I'm excited to see a friend of mine perform in Curse of the Starving Class, which runs this week and next. All of the shows I've seen here so far have been impressive, to say the least. And the student productions are free! Hooray for poverty friendly entertainment!

Not much else going on, other than an immense amount of reading for this week and next; Austen's Emma, Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma, and Morrison's Beloved. It's all enjoyable, at least.


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