Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thoughts, Registration, and Schoolwork

Hey, everyone!!

I can't believe it's already the last day of November. Time is just passing by so quickly (and yet not quickly enough because I want finals to be over and done with. haha)

This week, we all had to register for next semester 's classes. That's always a fun process. NOT. It's uber-stressful, but this semester it went pretty well.

I finished reading Othello this week. Such a sad story. I feel like it's still relevant today. Unfortunately, jealousy, insecurity, and accusations of cheating are still parts of many modern-day relationships.

I have a final paper about the play due next week. Hopefully, I'll be able to write something coherent while simultaneously studying for orgo.

I had a nice convo with a friend today and she helped turn my semi-crappy day into a relatively good one. What are we without our friends?

Also, between thinking about organic molecules and jealous men, I've been thinking about life in general. How difficult it all seems sometimes. How the dream seems so far away and impossible. How oftentimes we get in the way of our own success. How we question the very essence of what is right, who is good, and why things happen the way they do.

Sometimes, it's so easy to get lost in the everyday madness of things, but you can't let your dreams die. Life is worth the effort, the bleary eyes, the worry, the confusion. Just for those single moments of clarity.



Quote of the week:

"For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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