Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday Mornings, Gossip Girl, Maus

It's a Sunday morning in NYC, and it feels good to just relax and not think about school for a bit.
Sunday mornings always make me think of the song "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5. haha. I think I've expressed my love for Adam Levine on this blog before, but man, he's awesome and that's an awesome song.

So it's officially winter now, and it's cold!! Everyone is finding pretty ways to stay warm and fashionable. The city is filled with people with cute down jackets, wool coats, classic berets, and cashmere gloves. I love walking down the sidewalk and seeing people just be together. Everyone is smiling, carrying a bunch of shopping bags, coffee cups, and of course their cell phones. haha. The city is all shiny and glittery and just beautiful.
Speaking of shiny, glittery things, does anybody else out there watch Gossip Girl? I've been watching it since it first began in 2007 when I was a freshmen in high school. This past Monday was the last episode. I remember when I first started watching the show, I was so enthralled by the Upper East Side world. I wasn't enthralled by the lying, cheating, and jealousy (haha), but by the New York City that the show glamorized. The restaurants, the stores, the expensive apartments. The characters got to shop in all of these cool designer stores, wear beautiful clothing, and go to these exclusive parties and yet they still managed to do well in school. It all seemed a bit unrealistic, but it was fun to watch. It allowed me to see a world that I had never been exposed to. It's interesting that I ended up going to school on the Upper East Side. I got to walk on Park Avenue and imagine what it'd be like to live there. haha. So anyway, the show ended this week, and it was like saying good-bye to a part of my childhood. I'll definitely miss all of the glitz and glamour and the complex lives of Serena, Blair, Chuck, Dan, and Nate.
I have a book recommendation for all of you. In my English class this semester, we read an excerpt from the graphic novel Maus. I really liked the excerpt and decided to go out and get the full graphic novel. I went to the library and got myself a copy and fell in love with the story and the characters. I also read Maus II. Both books are really great, but incredibly sad. They're written by Art Spiegelman. The author's father is a Polish Jew who was a prisoner in Auschwitz during WWII. The books chronicle how the author attempts to reconnect with his father by learning about his father's difficult past. They're hard to put down and leave the audience with a lot of of interesting thoughts.

Enjoy the break, everyone!!

Sleep, read, daydream, eat, laugh, and whatever else you like. =)


Quote of the Week:

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” 
Edith Sitwell

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