Sunday, December 11, 2011

Peppermint Mochas, Green Tea, Michael Scott & Llamas

This week in Amirah's Exciting Life, Peppermint Mochas are in. They don't seem too appealing at first (I mean, peppermint? Plus mocha? I would question it), but are actually a very nice and soothing combination.

Also in this week's breaking news: I have come to the conclusion that The Office is a show about trolling. Jim and Pam are outright trolls. To me, the show is basically Michael Scott saying something dumb, and everyone else making faces at the camera. A face I have particularly come to admire is Kevin's evil little smile that he does all the time when no one's looking. I know I'm several years late on this show, but better late than never! (It's become clear to me that my winter break...will be spent watching this show. Among others. I wish I had more of a life, but I hear that as the years progress I'll get increasingly busy, so...)

And speaking of winter break... So last year when I was but an imaginative senior who was sick of doing AP Bio packets over winter break, I used to dream about having a month's break from school in winter, and I imagined all of these activities I'd do as a cool college kid- mainly, bumming in front of the TV, watching old movies, catching up on shows, reading books, living at barnes and noble, going back to work at McDonalds (don't hate- a job is a job, okay, and it pays just fine!), and seeing friends. However, I have 4 GERs left to fulfill, and there was a spot in the German Fairytales I'm now signed up to attend school 4 days a week, 3 hours a day. Is this the picturesque break I had so dreamed up from last year? No. But maybe winter in the city with a small workload will be nice. I'll go shopping and explore the city more thoroughly. Although, I doubt they'll be playing holiday music in the stores anymore...and I can't tell you how much I love holiday music. I play that stuff all day erryday! When you hear those magical sounding tunes, and you're with your friends, all bundled up with hats and scarves from forever 21, and you've got a peppermint mocha in your hand...there's nothing else like it. Dean Martin crooning "Let it Snow" gets me all warm and fuzzy inside.

To randomly switch topics for the fourth time in this blog, you may have noticed that contrary to most everyone else's posts, I have yet to mention anything about finals. I myself don't know why, but perhaps it's because I'm repressing the idea of their existence so well that I've begun to forget about them. Instead I choose to dwell other, more important things, like how much I love the green tea in the Hunter USG lounge, which security guards at Brookdale are nice to me and which ones aren't, or how much fun debit cards are. Speaking of them, I went shopping for real for the first time last week...and I now realize why it was good that I haven't gone very often. I was like Isla Fisher in Confessions of A Shopaholic. I was swiping that card left and right! Swipe here, get shirts, swipe there, get nice! Who knew!

Anyway, by writing this blog I've been procrastinating on reading several chapters of textbooks. I'll probably now go on favorite websites of mine to distract myself some more...if you're a senior reading this, you should definitely check out sparklife or this new llama website I heard about where you can write in llama characters! Is it dumb? Yes! BUT SO MUCH FUN!
I'll end on that happy note about llamas...and now I want to go watch The Emperor's New Groove.

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