Saturday, December 24, 2011

Goodbye, Fall 2011

Is this semester over? Where has Fall 2011 gone?

Its 2 am, two nights before Christmas, and I am finally home from the dorms. I am finally home!!! Nothing feels as good as my queen sized bed, giant TV and my moms fresh apple pie, especially after this week. My finals were pretty rough this semester. I spent the last week in pajamas ever single day, eating peanut butter and jelly for breakfast,  lunch and dinner. And I slept a total of maybe 20 hours the whole week. But, its all over (well, after I finish the essay that I'm supposed to be writing for my honors history class, which is due tomorrow.)

Hunter was incredibly crowded. The library was constantly packed, so I found a better place to study: the Classics Department library on the 13th floor. My classmates requested the keys from the secretary of the Classics Department and we had the whole room to ourselves. Very peaceful change from the bustling library.

I also was busy the week before because I had to write two research papers. The books I needed for the papers were in the Watson Library, the research library at the Met. (Not the Nolen Library, which is the education library at the Met - I think.) Its a really great place to study and it has TONS of books. So, if anyone is interested in art, history, art history (haha), or archaeology, this is the place to be!! Chances are, if you take a class related to one of these fields, you will need to write plenty of papers, and the Watson has tons of information.

Anyway, I'm off to get some sleep so I can wake up early and finish this assignment before Christmas!! Happy Holidays.


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