Saturday, February 20, 2010

Had a good meeting this week with Mike Lamb, the Macaulay graduate fellowship advisor. It's always a nice walk across Central Park over to the MHC building, and Mike is very nice; I first met him last summer when I was interviewing for the Kennan program, a leadership program at Macaulay. As the graduate fellowship advisor, Mike is the go-to person for students interested in pursuing National Science Foundation, Goldwater, and other such scholarships and fellowships. Mike is great because he really knows who you are, and we had a very productive talk about what I'm doing now, what fellowships I should keep my eye on, and what I need to do to get there. He also gave me a neat book on science and how scientific changes take place, The Pasturization of France. I've gotten really interested in how science effects the community and the ethics and importance of science, and now I'm strongly considering doing a CUNY BA interdisciplinary major in neuroscience and it's interaction with society which I'm very excited about.

I also wrapped up my independent study in psychology from last fall by giving a presentation to the lab where I did the independent study. I was just presenting on a research paper I had done over the fall (on gaps in the literature on protein kinase C's in spatial learning and memory) but I was really nervous. It went surprisingly well though, and my former professor even asked me to give the presentation to his masters/honors seminar!

Now, with mid-terms just two weeks away, it's time to grab my bio textbook and head to bed.

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