Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trial mockery

Just got back from watching Round 4 of the regional mock trial tournament. The Hunter team, being somewhat less than ideally prepared, opted not to compete, but some of us still went to watch (all the way out at St. John's in Queens. Bit of a trek). Just watched one trial. It was cool to see. The more experienced teams are definitely more polished with the procedural details, pretrial stuff, etc, which was intimidating, or would have been if we'd been competing against them. It's great to watch a case where you actually know all the details, and see one version of that trial actually played out. Learned a lot; both teams had some nice strategic and tactical moves that we hadn't thought of. And it was a good ego-boost to see that there's some stuff they missed which we've been going over for months (we overall know the rules of evidence and case law better than they seemed to). Overall fun. Snobby Manhattanite that I am, I never thought It'd say this, but it was definitely worth it to get up at 7:00 AM just o spend 4 hours in Queens.

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