Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day

Its the last day of year 2009, and first I just want to wish everyone a happy new year. On Friday we'll all get up, and sure, life will be the same. The fact that the calender says 10 instead of 09 doesn't really change anything, and with this in mind I never really understood the big deal about New Years.
Sitting here thinking about it now though, I finally see at least some part of the point.
New Years is a big reminder to us that time keeps on going. Whether I'm working during the semester, or vacationing during the winter or summer, I hardly ever take the time to remember that fact. By the number on the calender switching from 09 to 10, a physical change is made that reminds me that all of previous time, not just this last year, is gone and never to be had again. So I'll think this New Years about what has changed, and just by writing this while scratching the surface of memory I can remember that quite a lot is different.

Pardon my lack of originality on that, I'm sure somebody has even told me a lot of these thoughts before, but some things are a lot more potent when you discover them yourself.

I hope all of you out there discover something, and of course, have a great time this New Years. I'm happy to be spending mine with my girlfriend and her family, especially after I went elsewhere last year.

Good night, and make the best of whats left of 2009!


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