Saturday, December 12, 2009

Last day of classes, and lots of evaluations

Yesterday was the last day of class, and my very last class of the semester was my CHC (Honors seminar, soon to be more appropriately named MHC classes). CHC was a lot of fun because the main focus of the class was looking at the posters all the teams in our class had made, and eating bagels. And filling out evaluations, which turned out to be much more interesting than expected. First we did our regular Hunter College evaluations, which went perfectly smoothly - a few people wrote novels on the open answer portion at the back but that's nothing new. Then it was time for Macaulay evaluations since this is a Macaulay class. Which was when we discovered that we had the surveys for Seminar 1, and all the questions asked about Arts in NYC - not good for a Science and Technology seminar. I scuttled down to the Honors lounge where our trusty administrator had to convince people over at the Macaulay building to fax us the correct survey. Of course once I was back up in the classroom with 25 copies of the survey we discovered that they had accidentally sent us the faculty evaluation rather than the student evaluation. And so around we went again.

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