Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Spring" Break

Considering how gorgeous it was last week (80 degrees last Monday!) the initial plan was to go outside every day over break and do work, knit, doze in the sun, etc. But, seeing how it's been disgusting since break started, I've been cooped up inside pretty much all break. I took a walk with my boyfriend in Prospect Park on Sunday or Monday, when it was 60 degrees, but the wind made it so uncomfortable that we stayed out for less than an hour. And while I've caught up on my sleep - well needed - I haven't really done anything else this break. It's unfortunate.

Hopefully Easter weekend will be a little less dreary, especially since I'm going home, and it'd be nice to sit in my backyard or go up to Bear Mountain/Perkin's Point to enjoy the weather!

Thankfully my workload isn't too heavy this break - a lot of reading, but that's about it. I've planned my schedule for next semester (12 credits - yippee! I'm writing my thesis in German, so I'm going to need a lot of time and less stress than normal) and I'm thinking about some post-grad things; I'm going to apply to the Luce Foundation to spend a year in Asia, and I'm going to apply for a Fulbright teaching fellowship in Germany. Both are long shots, considering how competitive they are, but it's always worth trying, right?

Happy Holidays everyone!

- Katharine

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