Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm currently writing from a cozy armchair in the Mohonk Mountain House, a huge old lodge on top of a mountain (as the name implies) in New Platz NY where my lab, along with most of the rest of the NYU neuroscience and cognitive science faculty, have gathered for a day and a half of lectures, poster presentations, and socialization. In total there's 175 neuroscientists here - probably one of the nerdiest bunch of people I've ever been around! I love it.

We arrived in three busloads yesterday evening and had a fabulous 4 course dinner followed by a keynote address from a clinical researcher at Cornell, Nicolas Schiff, who has done some amazing works on coma recovery. Today there were talks from 9 a.m. till 1 and then another scrumptious meal, and now we have a break until another block of talks at 4:30, during which time I went for a hike with a postdoc and an MD/PhD student from my lab.

So far most of the talks have been quite good, and it's interested to hear about what other labs around us are doing. I was nervous about coming because I'm the only undergrad here, and other than my own lab members I don't really know anyone, but it's been pretty OK so far. It's actually nice to get to know my labmates and the people from neighboring labs a bit better, since I do sometimes feel a bit out of place there, and for the most part everyone has been really nice and approachable.

Now for the hard decision - swim or take a nap?


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