Saturday, April 30, 2011

Are we There Yet?

On Tuesday, a friend from Syracuse posted up on Facebook, " three more years to go...". Immediately, I thought, "!@#$!!! She's done with the semester?!? We're just getting back from Spring Break!" With about, let's say, two and a half more weeks of classes left, in theory, we aren't that far off from the end. But in reality, with professors piling on midterms, presentations, papers and what not to have enough grades, makes the 2 weeks stretch out into eternity. Case in point, I have the Macaulay Seminar 4 Presentation next Saturday, an online environmental test that Sunday, an Organic Chemistry midterm on Monday, a Stat midterm on Monday, and a presentation on Friday. What a week. The week after that won't be too bad, but of course I should definitely be studying for my finals then. I guess this is one of the reasons why I dislike going to Hunter- we seem to just get out later than everyone else ( other than our fellow CUNY and SUNY schools, of course).

I would love to say that registration for Fall 2011 classes went smoothly on Wednesday. In a way, being an honors student, who has upper junior status and tons of credits ( I always seem to go over the 16.5 max credit allowance each semester) makes it automatically easier when I try to apply for honors classes, because I do (so far and thankfully) get earlier registration times. But when it comes to regular classes, especially classes that many post-bac students apply for, its more of a gamble, but still alright, although lab classes might be a little bit more difficult to get. You would think that for classes where you received permission to register for the class would be the easiest, but surprisingly, it was the hardest for me this time around ( stupid esims pre-req messages). Thank God for my research mentor and professor for helping me out. Seriously, the professors and staff at Hunter, and any college, are your best resource. Don't waste them!

As for my fall schedule, I unfortunately don't have any days off. Hopefully, with classes everyday, I'll be more motivated to do work and study. As a double major now ( Biology and Environmental Studies with a science concentration), still on the Pre-Dental track, and with a lot more honors classes to go, I have an interesting schedule, at least for me. I'm taking Organic Chemistry Lecture 2, Organic Chemistry Lab 2, Biochemistry ( from the Biology department-I've heard that's easier,a LOT easier,than the biochemistry offered by the Chemistry department, which biochem majors need), Marine Geology, and Music Honors. I really, really, really wanted to take the Honors course on the world of the Bible ( not sure if that's the exact name, but close to it), but unfortunately, my organic chemistry lecture conflicted with that.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the fall. I have faith that it will be a successful, fruitful semester, with ample amount of interning at the lab and volunteering as well.

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