Monday, April 4, 2011

"I'm very fond of walking."

Much like my peers Daniel and Danielle, I've started walking to and from the dorms to go to school. Sure I have to wake up an hour earlier to account for the extra commute time but it's worth it. Being in college is so much more work than I realized especially having teachers tell me that Stuy would prepare me for the world of college but I guess Macaulay is a whole different matter. My schedule is so busy (even without extracurriculars!) that I don't have time to get any exercise in which attributes to the proverbial freshman 15 that I'm definitely starting to feel around my wait line. So walking some 40+ blocks is a great way to start the day with some fresh air and vigorous exercise. One of my favorite things about the walk is taking a different route each time. I find myself more exposed to New York than before. I find little boutiques and cafes that are distinctly New York and would have been unknown to me if I took the 15 min. subway ride versus the hour long walk that encompasses a variety of sights and shops. Granted that walking is not a viable option when I wake up late or am feeling just plain lazy, I take the train once in a while to give my wallet a workout.

P.S. The title is a reference to one of my favorite movies "Pride and Prejudice" and applicable in this situation :)


  1. Love the P&P reference :)
    Also, I had no idea you were a fellow Stuy alumn!

  2. Thanks Kaitlyn! Not sure if you get notifications about replies to comments but it's so cool that we both went to Stuy! Here I thought we were a lost kind :P
