Monday, November 15, 2010

Another long week

So the week of testing and essays are finally done. My weekend was alright. I went home this weekend to help take care of my baby sis. She has been sick and had an ear infection. She is better now, as a matter of fact when my family went out to eat this weekend, she ate a small bowl's worth of food and she is only 2.
It is also past early decisions for a lot of colleges and I been talking to some friends from class of '11 at Stuy and checking up on how they are doing. I was reminded of the argument that being this close to home isn't the best idea during that period of your life when you should be venturing out and exploring. I really think it is striking a balance. Though it is true I been living in the city for close to ten years (as a matter of fact November of 2000 was when I moved here from China), and I would love to see what other people are doing and what else the world has to offer, but I actually never heard anyone here complaining they are too close to home.
It is a stressful time for the class of '15 and I hope that they will find that balance between what they want and what is demanded of them by reality.

Besides that heavy stuff, a friend's bday is coming up soon! We were thinking about taking the "family" out to dinner. I like calling my friends here my "other family" cause everyone knows each other and will always chill together.
Wow it is late now and I got bio at 8 tomorrow. Gotta go sleep!

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