Thursday, November 18, 2010

it's nice to have someone else for a change.

something that was very clearly wrong with my high school was the lack of people who wanted to take any responsibility for anything. that is, unless it was the musical or a sports team. the lit mag, the yearbook, debate, model UN mock trial, newspaper, etc. kind of all fell to the sidelines with an invested teacher and one single, solitary invested student. it got to be a pain in the ass. so, it's really nice to be curating the snapshot exhibit (for dec. 12, so soonsies!) with other people who care, who are involved, who want to make it great. that's something that I never really got at high school. it's wonderful to have people to thinktank with and, consequently, have awesome ideas that a single person couldn't have had alone. that's just something that I couldn't have gotten at high school.

and now, let me just say how excited I am for thanksgiving: so much food. so much family. so much pie backing & delicious-dish cooking. so much love.

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