Friday, October 11, 2013

The Voice in the Clutter

Three-day weekend!! woo hoo!!
So much excitement, but then I think about the homework I have to do and the textbooks I have to read and the quizzes I have to study for. Sigh. But it's ok. I'll make time for myself. Even if it just consists of me dancing in my room to an EDM track. :p

This week's post is going to be relatively short since I got home late today, and I'm semi-exhausted.

I've been wanting to write about this for awhile. I'm now in my third year, and I feel like I'm slowly but surely cultivating a "voice" for myself. I feel like in high school, kids care too much about what their friends think is cool and what the media thinks is cool. They often lose themselves in all the madness. As I've grown older and watched my friends get older, I've seen how many of us have more or less stopped caring what others think. Also, we're not as desperate to be a part of some group. We're ok with being on our own. Being alone does't mean you're lonely. But let's go back to the process of finding your inner voice, which I'm still very much in the middle of. I think it takes many years to learn how to let your surroundings impact you so that you can be a better person, but at the same time keep a set of moral values and some kind of core identity. We're supposed to let our interactions with other people influence our ideas because that's how we grow. But that also requires knowing how to distinguish your hopes, dreams, and desires from the ones that you think you should have. Are you pre-med just because your parents want you to be or are you doing lab research just because your advisor told you too or are you with a guy/girl because someone else said that you look good together? What about what you want? What's your inner voice saying? Ironically, the more you interact with others, the better you learn about how to"hear" your own voice.

A really cool thing happened this past Monday. A friend of mine who moved to Staten Island at the beginning of 8th grade reconnected with me through Facebook. It's been 7 years since we've spoken so it's been cool to catch up on things. Facebook is good for this kind of stuff, but I still like face to face communication the best. I like hearing a person's laugh rather than just seeing an "lol" on a screen.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!


Quote of the Week

“Out of clutter, find simplicity.”
― Albert Einstein

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