Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Exciting Saturday Adventure!

Alright, so it's not that exciting, but I went on a mini adventure on Saturday! Anyone who knows me, knows that I can be quite lazy (one time, one of my friends and I took about 3 buses home from Hunter just to minimize any walking that we would have otherwise had to do), however sometimes I enjoy having a nice walk around the city... Even if it's unplanned.

On Saturday afternoon, I headed out to do a bit of grocery shopping in Chinatown. I was all set to take the downtown 6 to Canal St, but when I got there I discovered that there was planned work going on. All of the green line trains were running express, which meant that the 6 didn't stop at 23rd Street. Instead of going and taking the M15 downtown, I actually ended up walking over to 14th Street. It was quite warm, really sunny, and I was early enough that the Union Square Farmer's Market was still busy! It's actually not that great when it's extremely crowded, it's a bit of a mess, but since I wasn't going to buy anything there (though I definitely recommend shopping there sometimes), it was nice to stroll through a bit, take a few pictures, and then go down into the subway.

Because the subway was only making express stops downtown, I couldn't get off at Canal Street as planned, and had to get off the stop after at Brooklyn Bridge. That was OK, really, cause you can walk pretty quickly into Chinatown from there, so that's what I did (instead of waiting for the 6 to come back and head uptown like most of the people were doing). Doing this walk is always a little nostalgic for me, because this was how my mother and I used to walk to my Chinese school on Saturdays when I was a kid. I walked passed the dollar dumpling store that I love so much (and will talk more about in a separate post), and decided spur of the moment to go to the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory for a pre-lunch milkshake. Whenever I go grocery shopping in Chinatown, I always eat somewhere in Chinatown first because shopping on an empty stomach is bad. However, I think I may have overdone it a bit this time because after the milkshake, I still went and got soup dumplings (oops..). Now, I was going to talk a bit more about the milkshake and the soup dumplings, but that will all be included in a future post! So, here's another picture from Union Square:

So, after grocery shopping, which went way quicker and cheaper than usual (probably because I had just gone to Trader Joe's the day before and I was so stuffed that the idea of food was a bit odd), I walked to the M15 on Allen Street and took that back up to the dorms. So, yeah, that was my day out! It was really nice and warm, and walking around the city a bit was really relaxing. And now I've got some vegetables to cook with this week, and I'm all set! Yay!

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