Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hello again!

Hey everyone,

So, it's been a while!  I took a nice, relaxing break from anything (well, most things) school related (sorry if I neglected you guys!), and so far have been trying to readjust to being back in school.  I honestly feels like it gets more and more difficult after every break!

I didn't do too much over break--mostly I caught up on sleep and TV shows (which I already miss…again…for one month, I was actually caught up on shows).  I kind of tried to learn Italian!  I only really got a few words and numbers, but it was fun.  I did read an amazing book, Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.  I've been meaning to read it for years.  When I used to work in a library, it would always catch my eye because of its brightly colored blue and orange cover.  That, and the tiger, and the unique title would always pique my curiosity!

So it was on my booklist for a while (do you have a booklist? If not you should totally make one!  How else will you keep track of all those amazing books that you'll one day have time for?), but when I saw the trailer for the movie, I knew I had to read it soon (yes, I am a have-to-read-the-book-before-seeing-the-movie person!).  I received the book from my mom for Christmas and read it over break (ironically, I didn't even see the movie.  I will, eventually.  Maybe the next break, when I catch up on movies?).

It's slightly confusing at first, since I knew some of the basics of the plot but didn't see how they figured in yet.  But you will be drawn into the story--I found Pi to be such a relatable character; from his enthusiasm he has to worship God through three religions, even when others are confused by what they feel are his "conflicting" beliefs; to his feelings of horror, remorse, fear, wonder, and awe as he drifts along the ocean in a lifeboat with an unexpected companion.  I definitely, definitely recommend this book.  There's a lot to take away from it.

This post was not really meant to be about Life of Pi--I intended to lead into how my semester's been going so far, but I guess I'll save that for next time (or next-next time, I feel I'm behind in posts and have to catch up with more winter break posts!).  Whichever it is, I'll be writing again soon =]

Anyways, hope you're all doing okay after the storm.  Stay warm!


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