Saturday, May 2, 2015

Impressions, Footsteps, and Last Deadlines

Hi, everyone!

It's a beautiful Saturday here in NYC, and everyone is out and about enjoying it. I'm starting this post as I sit on the train back home from a morning out. The boys who dance in the subway cars are dancing in the car I'm in. Haha. *Hear hip-hop music as you read this*

Last Saturday, I went to Arts Night to see my work displayed. I gave in two pieces. One is called Impressions, and it's a version of a poem that I first wrote during my sophomore year. I remember exactly where I was when I started writing it. I was sitting one of the bridges that connect the Hunter buildings, and I was just looking down Lexington Avenue. That's how the first line came to be. Just me sitting there in between classes looking at the intersections. The rest of the poem came relatively easily after that. It's been sitting on my computer virtually unchanged ever since then until I decided to experiment with it again a few weeks ago. Here is the completed version that I submitted to Arts Night:

My second piece is called Footsteps, and it's a series of 5 photographs taken over the course of nearly a year. Each photo is a story all on its own about that particular moment in time, and as a group, they tell the story of a relationship as it progresses over time. 

All of the photos with the red frame belong to the series. 
After taking photos of my own work, I looked at everyone else's submissions. There was some really great work there and a whole lot of talent. :)

Earlier that day, I had a Mexican torta and yummy cheesecake from Eileen's Special Cheesecake. I've been eating from a bunch of different places this semester, which has made my stomach happy. haha We're truly blessed in NYC to be able to access all this kind of food. 

Last Sunday was my last deadline for The Macaulay Messenger. And we'll be publishing our last edition of the year on Monday. I've been proud to be a part of it, and I hope that it goes on for many more years. :)

Speaking of deadlines, I'm facing my last deadlines for papers ever. And taking my last exams! Ahh.

Yesterday, I attended a meeting at the Macaulay building with a group of other seniors as part of the Senior Class Gift Committee. We discussed the upcoming events for seniors and things that we can do as alumni. The two Macaulay admins who were there also fed us pizza and yummy vegan food from Blossom. haha. Macaulay is the best at feeding us.

I love all things Frida Kahlo so I made this yesterday:

I found this photo of her a few weeks ago and intended to recreate it at some point. Yesterday, I was taking photos of myself in order to upload a new profile photo on Facebook (which I do on the first of every month) so I decided to try to recreate Frida's photo and put my own twist on it. This is now my cover photo on Facebook. I love how it turned out.

Let's hope this sunshine stays around!


For this last semester, I've decided that I'll share one cool/interesting/thought-provoking thing that I happen to run across during the week:

Clothes and cognitive processing

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