Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Box of Wheat Thins, Subcutaneous Fat, My Subconscious and Social Commentary

It is currently 3:22 AM so obviously I turned to my laptop and decided this would be the optimal time to write a blog post!
I'm sitting next to my box of near and dear Wheat Thins and a sad looking orange, the only salvation I have in my white-walled box of a room. I feel like I'm confined* to this room and if it were a desert, the only things I was allowed to bring with me were my nursing textbook and Wheat Thins. Purgatory has taken on another meaning.

My February went well. It was a whirlwind of social activity, rather, and now this week I have about 4 tests/assignments due, god help me (The days are going by too fast! WHY IS TUESDAY SO CLOSE TO FRIDAY?! Mayday?! Mayday!!). I attended The Glass Menagerie on Broadway with one of my best friends, planned two surprise 21st birthday parties, took several Queens buses to get to a sleepover party with my cousins, set a record of having 15 friends write on my expo board on my door (this genuinely makes me happy hahah), reconnected with some family and friends (fb is a curse and a blessing), went to see movies** (About Last Night and Vampire Academy***), started fantasizing unhealthily about bubble tea and the lack of it in my digestive system, and applied to externships (why is every hospital putting up apps in March?). I had a nice Valentine's day, where I split my time among several friends. But, I realized some important things about friendship. You can be friends with anyone, if you try to make it work. Likely, you'll reach a point where you won't be compatible anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't still care for the friend and be there for them. It'll just take on a different type of friendship. Secondly, and more importantly, friendship is a two-way street. This year a friend and I hurt each other's feelings, and I did everything I could to try and repair things. I spent a good semester trying to fix things and wondering what I could do to forgive and be forgiven with a best friend. I thought...I thought it would be worth it, and that our past friendship outweighed our few months of difference. But finally, I realized that I can't do everything, or anything, if the effort is just one-way. It was pretty sad, but I guess one of those college life lessons.

As for my non-social life, (what is that, then? Just my life? My school life? That's the one) I also gave an injection to a wee babe, got emotionally attached to a young patient (not crazily so, I just had a hard time saying no when the patient & family asked me to visit again, which as a nurse/nursing student is not really permissible. Patients are clients, no matter how we may relate or empathize. It was a good lesson for the future), and learned a lot about needles and subcutaneous injections. I've never been a fan of needles, so I'm overjoyed that I conquered my fear and am smooth with needles now.

If you're reading this and you're considering nursing school, here's a random pro to applying: you can run for positions and offices within Nursing clubs! I love the newspaper, editing and writing, and I've always been on one since the 6th grade. But in college, I was on the Nursing track and I felt rusty as a writer and didn't have the courage/confidence to join a newsletter or newspaper at Hunter because I figured all the writers/editors would be muuuuuuuch better than I, as liberal arts majors who frequently wrote papers and exercised their writing skills. Luckily, the Nursing school has a newsletter and I ran for editor in chief, which I won! (See: flyers around Brookdale, featuring photo-shopped me.) This is genuinely exciting as I've always wanted to be an editor in chief. I really do love layout, organizing becomes so fun. I hope I'll do a good job - check out Hunter-Bellevue's School of Nursing newsletter (Nursing Student Press)! (Note: I wrote this last night, and this morning I got an email informing me that as President, I was selected to attend the Nursing Students National Association conference in NASHVILLE, all expenses paid! The south? Newspapers? This is a great day, I love Nursing school.)

In groundbreaking news, a decently cute guy next to me on the bridge said "gloomy day, huh?" and (after remembering how to format sentences) instead of responding with an awkward-ish joke (I swear, I'll just marry the one guy that actually laughs. The jokes are never even bad. People are just awkward. Le sigh) or an interrogation of his being, I responded appropriately, and we made small conversation. It was something along the lines of "gloomy huh" "yeah but no snow" "yeah true" "why's the caf closed?" "idk so weird" "yeah" "yeah" "it's so expensive in manhattan" "yeah". I felt like I was living life on the wild side, crusading around Hunter like a socially normal (note: I am aware that I am not actually socially awkward...I just choose to say and ask blunt things without the required politeness before I know someone, I suppose) nice girl! I had a real generic conversation with a boy! No embarrassing awkwardness involved! But it was lame. My jokes definitely make things more interesting, and I felt like I was holding back conversation wise.

Other general comments I have: the weather is crazy? Snow and spring weather within a week? 3 FEET OF SNOW?! I practically built a fort (no, my little brother did, but it sounds cool to say I did) and lounged outside in our igloo. And I made a lot of chicken with island soyaki sauce from trader joe's...I recommend it. And mango sorbet. I recommend mango sorbet.

Additionally, I've started taking sign language classes again, and I'm keeping up with my Arabic-reading tutoring. Go me! Everything is possible with good time management. With that, I will end my 3:30 AM spiel and get to bed for 4 am....time management indeed. (This is sarcasm. Sometimes it does not come across clearly to the reader. I hope it has now)


PS: Here is a quote I have been sobbing over intermittently in my room: "Love fades. Mine has." NOOOO DIMITRI NO!!!!
and "Did it occur to you that even the most deathless love wears out? Mine did." NOOOO RHETT DON'T SAY IT'S SO!!!
(...this week's theme in amirah's subconscious seems to be that I will end up alone, it seems, rejected by men whose love will wear out for me)

This Week In My Personal Pop Culture 
I'm taking Decoding Pop Culture through Macaulay as an honors course! The first thing the professor said was to get Netflix so we could keep up. We watched a video of HSM in class. We discussed vampires, aliens, and must understand constant references to pop other words, it's a dream!
(I made these asterisks fake footnotes. They work though, right?)

*I have been binge watching too much of Orange is The New Black. A friend forced me to watch and once I got over being scandalized by, erm, a lot of un-censored things, I really found the show to be interesting, intriguing and very good overall. The chocolate and vanilla swirl song really gets me...and Officer Bennett is a dreamboat!

**Speaking of movies, VERONICA MARS THE MOVIE is coming out MARCH 14TH!

**Vampire Academy was quite good and stayed true to the book. Dimitri, my fictional soulmate, was fabulous and well-cast. The title is condemning, but seeing as it was directed by the Mean Girls director & written by The Heathers screenplay writer (a movie that confounds me), I thought it did well on the snark scale.

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